Bowie's Exam Incentives
Exam incentives are earned by attending classes and participating in learning. The program allows qualifying students to substitute their semester exam score with a higher semester average in one to two courses. Students who earn incentives will still take an exam in every class.
RATIONALE: The primary goal of this pilot program is to increase achievement by maximizing the time students spend in instruction. While some student absences are unavoidable, this pilot program is intended to discourage non-essential absences and promote exemplary attendance as a campus norm. The average daily attendance rate also impacts public education funding and accountability ratings which have significance for the larger community.
Summary of Attendance Rules & Codes - explains the types of absences that count against a student for exam incentive purposes
Note: Please email your Assistant Principal if you have absences related to a documented disability.
If you have questions about attendance incentives please contact:
- Phil Morgante -
- Whitney Vohl -
- Cindi Carroll -
- Wendy Uzzle -