General Testing Information

2024-25 Testing Dates 

October 9, 2024 - PSAT (grades 9-11)

December 3-6, 2024 - Make-Up STAAR End-of-Course Exams (grades 10-12)

December 17-20, 2024 - Fall Semester Exams (all students, all courses)

March 4, 2025 - School Day SAT (all 11th grade students)

April 9, 2025 - English 1 STAAR End-of-Course Exam (all 9th grade students), TSI Exam (all 9th & 11th grade students)

April 10, 2025 - English 2 STAAR End-of-Course Exam (all 10th grade students)

April 15, 2025 -  U.S. History STAAR End-of-Course Exams (all 11th grade students)

April 15, 2025 - Biology STAAR End-of-Course Exam (all 9th grade students)

April 23, 2025 - Algebra 1 STAAR End-of-Course Exam (9th grade students enrolled in Algebra 1)

May 23-29, 2025 - Spring Semester Exams (all students, all courses)


Questions about testing?

STAAR, School-Day SAT, PSAT, and TELPAS - Wendy Escobedo (

Advanced Placement - Kaylin Brett (

College and Career Testing (TSI, SAT, ACT, other) - Amber Luna (

*Click HERE for more information about PSAT, SAT, and ACT



504 Testing Accommodations - contact your child's assistant principal

SpEd Accommodations - contact your child's case manager

College Board Testing Accommodations - contact Wendy Escobedo (