We are a group of 40+ faculty and staff members who meet to critically examine the policies and practices of our school and intentionally disrupt those that perpetuate inequity.
Mission: Fight for Educational Equity
Educational equity means that each child receives what they need to develop to their full academic and social potential.
Working towards equity in schools involves:
- Ensuring equality high outcomes for all participants in our educational system; removing the predictability of success or failures that currently correlates with any social or cultural factor;
- Interrupting inequitable practices, examining biases, and creating inclusive multicultural school environments for adults and children; and
- Discovering and cultivating the unique gifts, talents and interests that every human possesses.
From the National Equity Project.
As a staff, we've agreed to...
- share our experiences and recognize the broader group-level patterns.
- differentiate between knowledge and opinion, holding our opinions lightly and with humility.
- be mindful of intent versus impact.
- embrace discomfort.
- expect and accept non-closure.
- ensure what happens here leaves here.