Mr. Robinson shares updates about today's attendance procedures and the upcoming Fine Arts musical. Additionally, he provides information about district initiatives including Enroll Austin, feedback for the Everyone:1 program, and more.
January 11, 2024
Mr. Robinson welcomes students back for our spring semester! In this edition of the newsletter, he shares information about FIT, the upcoming musical, the deadline for applying for accommodations for the College Board, report cards, and Holocaust Remembrance Week.
December 20, 2023
Mr. Robinson wishes everyone happy holidays and a safe winter break! Students have completed all of their final exams, and Mr. Robinson shares information about upcoming report cards and spring semester classes. Additionally, he discusses the details of Bowie's Incoming 9th Grade Showcase Night in January.
December 14, 2023
It's the last day of class before exams! Mr. Robinson shares information about the exam schedule, the attendance incentive policy, level change requests, and spring semester classes. Additionally, he shares resources for accessing healthy food over the winter break. Happy holidays!
December 4, 2023
Mr. Robinson discusses maintaining good attendance, the Attendance Incentive Program, and upcoming semester exams. Additionally, he shares information about the annual 8th grade campus visit, the Dawg Show, including the link to an amazing promo video created by students in our journalism program.