
Current Students

Current students must use Naviance to order transcripts for college admissions, NCAA, scholarships, personal reasons, etc. The registrars will no longer require students to confirm the request in person in their offices. Each morning, the registrars will process all transcripts ordered the previous day. Most transcripts are sent to colleges electronically, but if a student needs a hard copy of their transcript, they may come by the registrar's office after 4:00 p.m. the day after the transcript was requested. If the registrars are not available, the front office staff will be able to help you.

**If there are any special instructions for a requested transcript, students will still need to stop by the registrars’ offices or send an  email:

* Last name begins with A -K  Ms. Caballero

* Last name begins with L -Z Ms. Glass

COMMON APPLICATION STUDENTS:  The Common App requires that your transcript, school report, and letter of recommendation from your counselor be sent together in one electronic submission. If your application requires a letter of recommendation from a counselor, keep in mind that your transcript cannot be sent until the letter is written and ready to submit. To ensure that your school receives everything it needs, in addition to requesting your transcript through Naviance, you must also visit with your counselor in person to review the requirements of your application. Letters of recommendation request form must be requested at least 10 school days prior to the application deadline.

MID-YEAR TRANSCRIPTS: Mid-year transcripts are not sent automatically. Students whose schools are requesting mid-year transcripts will need to submit another request through Naviance in January.  Mid-year transcripts can not be sent until rank and GPA are updated. This normally occurs at the end of January.

Former Students

Due to federal privacy laws, any former students over the age of 18 who need a transcript must make the initial request themselves. Parents of former students cannot request transcripts on behalf of their graduated student. However, former students can give permission for others to pick up the transcript, but the initial request must come from the former student.

Step 1: Pay for Your Transcript

You must first submit payment for your transcript. You do not need your old student ID number. When setting up your account, select “I don’t want to add a student” where indicated.

🔹 Save your receipt—you will need it when submitting your transcript request.

You can also use the QR code at the bottom of this page to access the My School Central page for payment.

Step 2: Complete the Google Form

After you have paid, you must complete the Google Form to officially request your transcript. This is an important step as it's the way we are notified of your request.

Important: If you have never cleared your browser history and saved passwords, please do so before opening the Google Form to prevent old Bowie login credentials from interfering.


Contact by Student's Last Name


QR code for My School Central for payment


You can also use this QR code to access the My School Central page to pay for your transcript.